Distinctives of Successful Integration
A successful model of integration is difficult to describe under a single metaphor. Instead, what will be offered is a set of characteristics which are commonly found when integration has been done well. Authentic integration values both Scripture and nature…
Integrated Faith: The Church and the University
The church and the academy share jointly in the responsibility of equipping Christians to live an integrated faith. Christian universities have a special calling to the life of the mind. The Christian universities seek out truth wherever it may be…
Perils and Pitfalls of Integrative Thinking
Cultivating an integrated faith is easier said than done. In the hopes of improving our skills, I have identified several failed models of integrating faith and learning. If you see yourself reflected in any of these failed models, don’t feel…
What is Integration?
The “integration of faith and learning” is a phrase that expresses the desires of Christian colleges and universities to have the Christian faith permeate every aspect of the curriculum. Integrating faith and learning resists a common tendency to compartmentalize religious…